
First visit: On the first visit, the orthodontist will discuss the concerns you may have with your smile. He will then examine your teeth and discuss whether orthodontic treatment is an option for you. On the second visit, he will take photographs and a 3D digital scan of your teeth. He will arrange for orthodontic X-rays to be taken. This will be followed by a discussion of treatment options, advantages and disadvantages of each and cost.

Age: Orthodontic treatment is usually carried out around the age of 11 or 12, but sometimes important interceptive treatments can be carried out at a younger age. We carry out orthodontic treatment for children, teenagers and adults.

Fixed Braces: We use the latest technology in fixed braces including the Damon system and 3M braces. These braces are highly efficient for tooth movement and provide high levels of comfort and control. 

Continuity of Care: All your orthodontic appointments will be exclusively with Dr. Selejan.

Retainers: When your orthodontic treatment is complete, you will be provided with retainers. These may be fixed to the back if your front teeth or removable to be worn at night. It is essential that retainers are worn to maintain the corrected position of the teeth.